Welcome to "The Kuehls" first blog!! Thanks to my cousins Holly and Heather I decided to give this a try. Technology hasn't been a good friend of mine, but they convinced me that I could figure blogging out and if this post works then folks you can keep track of us on our blog!
So many people have wanted updates on Nash since he was born and in the hospital we used a wonderful site (Carespage). I began e-mailing updates and pictures to family and friends and I never seem to get the e-mails to everyone that wanted them, so hopefully this way we can all keep in touch and informed about what is happening in the lives of "The Kuehls."
I have not yet notified Nate that I am doing this... Of course it will make him VERY nervous since I am for the most part a share all kind of gal. He on the other hand is not!! So, maybe we won't give him the blog address!!
I cannot believe Christmas is almost here... I just ordered Christmas cards. I am about three weeks behind schedule this year... Kind of snuck up on us... WHICH.... Seems to be the theme of our lives the last few years. As I turned 30 on Sunday, I was thinking rather positive... I said this decade will be great!! The next day we found out we have to replace the
heater in our Pella home which we hope to close on next week. AHHH... NOW great things are to come!! Just a going away gift from my 20's.
Nash is doing well... Took 22 steps today in therapy (he still looks as though he is on a boat in a storm). Because Nash's calf muscles are soooo tight he tries walking toe to heal, when we walk heal to toe. Try it... Darn hard when you are trying to make forward motion. I did it today and therapy and tripped, which doesn't say much to those who know me know I am a clutz, but for real it is hard! PT is working with him on training him to walk correct. I figure in time he will catch on.
He said a few new words today. Trying to copy everything we say. Pretty cute!! Working on word association... Which... He has Pee Pee down... What else would an obsessed toilet boy know? He walked into the bathroom while I was going and giggled and said "pee pee." I of course was super excited so now it is way fun to say "pee pee" the entire time I am peeing.
Nash continues to amaze his therapists and us with his drive to "go go go." Now if only he could slow down a bit at home. Even Uncle Evan, Mr GO GO GO, himself said yesterday that Nash wears him out.
Evan, however felt pretty powerful after I had told Nash not to open the oven door at least five times and he did not listen... Evan said, "Nash NO!" once and Nash looked at him and said "no no" and stopped.
Well, I should end this first post. I need to get to work. Love the new job. I am getting to speak with other mom's who can relate to all the feelings, emotions, appointments, therapies, stressors, and other things that come along with a ill and/or handicap child. It's very uplifting to know that we are not alone and to validate each others thoughts and feelings. I get to hear so many painful stories that make me feel so fortunate that Nash is as well as he is. Still not an U of Iowa fan, but they still let me work for them!!
Some how the second half is highlighting... So if you are reading it like I see it... Please cut me some slack, since it is my first time. I hopefully will get it turned off by next time... If it is not highlighting for you... Great! You'll just think I am nuts, which is right on target so it's all good!
Love and Blessings
Dec 2008