Thursday, April 30, 2009

Thanks for the Prayers!

I wanted to say "Thank you!" The prayers worked! For months I have had a lump in my left breast and I have been praying and asking others for prayer in the middle of the night before my exam I woke up and felt lead to pray pray pray. I did... See that night before bed I could still feel my lump. But that morning it was gone!! Doctors could not find it either! Praise God!!!

So I have to share a funny story too... While I was working at the computer an hour ago... I heard Nash go into the bathroom and close the door and flush the toilet... you see he is getting sneaker... Closing the door behind him.... Yep, still heard the flush... So I burst through the door ans say in a deep what I think is a semi-scary voice.... "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" He turns fast looks at me and smiles and says, "Hot Tub." Seriously, like he was going to convince me that he was playing in a hot tub and not the toilet!!

This week has been going pretty good. Nash loved riding the horse last night. He is sitting straighter and his legs are stretching over the horse well. Daddy got to watch last night too and loved it!! I took more video and will show family soon!

Thanks again for all the support and prayers

Sunday, April 26, 2009

March of Dimes 2009

March of Dimes 2009! We walked 8.5 Miles in 2 Hours and 40 minutes. Team Kuehl raised over $1,200.00!! We are happy about another successful fund raising year!! -Nate, Jayme, & Nash

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Giddy Up!!

Ahhhh what a week of amazing weather!! Very glad to be able to be outside doing yard work! Got sun burnt twice... Well at least I will have a farmers tan soon after I stop looking like a lobster! It has been great for both Nash and I to get outside and move around a bit. He loves exploring, which led to a nasty sliver in his hand... Picture this... Me holding him down with a needle and tweezers trying to get it out... Yeah, was not fun! I kept thinking, "Moms are suppose to do this... My mom always did it for us..." Duh I am the mom now... "Suck it up Jayme and get it out..." Finally on day two I got it out.

Got the cast off... Not real sure if it helped after the first day, but worth trying again to possible avoid surgeries on his legs. Oh speaking of surgeries As of now his eye surgery is scheduled for July 9th. I am really trying not to worry.... I know it is in God's hands, but I admit I am struggling... I think surgery on a two year old is not a good age... Doesn't understand why there is more pain in his life or why mommy let it happen again... Yeah going to be a tough one for him and me! Please pray that he is ok!

More importantly this week Nash was a cowboy!! He survived Therapeutic Riding. At first he was not thrilled about the hat... I knew that would be the worse part... Then getting on the horse... He wasn't thrilled until the horse started walking and like a flash of lighting the water works stopped and a smile came on his face. It was awesome to see Nash on the horse.. I was soooo proud of him.

It was funny because their were shapes, colors, and letters on the wall... He was saying them all and one of the volunteers thought he was 4. The first time ever someone thought he as older then he was.

The physical therapist was directing him to say "go" and "stop." He didn't say it at first so I told him to say please... Then he would say "go please." No stop yet... I think that is partly because he just wanted to GO GO GO! It was as if he was on top of the world. I took pictures, but because of the lighting they did not turn out... SORRY!

We drove 40 minutes there for a 30 minute ride and 40 minutes back home. I was thinking... Is this really worth it... After seeing Nash on that horse and him walking without crossing his legs as much after he got off I was like YES the is worth the drive!! Nash even pet the horse before he got off... Which is a miracle, because if you know Nash... You know that he doesn't like fur or animals. He loves singing Old McDonald and seeing animals on TV, but real live animals... Yeah.. Not his thing! The name of the horse therapy farm is Miracles in Motion and so far they have lived up to their name.

Let's see new developments with Nash... Oh!! He gives kisses now!! Loving it. Every time someone tried kissing him he would turn way, stick a hand in your face, or barry his head in your arm. Now I ask for a kiss and a majority of the time I get one!! Nate's sort of jealous since I am not asking him for kisses! Sorry Nate, but Nash's kisses are WAY better. No whiskers!

I want to try and remember every so often to write down Nash's favorite things... Since the baby book is in a box in the storage room and has not been written in since we moved... Yeah, not so good about that!!

So here are a few of his favorite things...

Books (he brings them to us with a huge smile on his face and has even said a few times "read book." He has some memorized and loves filling in the words.)

Music Rather it is playing his piano or listening to music, or singing along with us he loves...
Old McDonald, ABCs (which he says all, but M N.. pauses for them but doesn't say them), If you are Happy and You know It, You are My Sunshine, Our God, and other random songs Nate has taught him that are what we call Old Country Songs!

Going Outside, Exploring, Taking everything out of the cabinets, chewing on the toothpaste tube, Bath time, his Videos (Bideos as he calls them), Watching U-tube learning videos, ABCs, Numbers, Shapes, Colors, and even Spanish Numbers. Going to therapies, Playing chase and tickle with daddy and mommy, Swinging, French fries, Mac & Cheese, Grapes, Milk, Mommy's homemade juice, Pizza, Playing with the phone (land line), Pineapple, Yogurt, Oatmeal, Ice Cream with Daddy, and nursery at church!!

Most kids you would find them in their room playing with their toys... Not Nash he is listening to music and looking at books, playing with the shapes puzzles, saying his ABCs or counting...

Some days I look at him and cannot believe where he came from... 1 lb and 4 oz!!! How far he has come, what he has overcome. Celebrating all the little joys and smiles and words, and steps. I am soooo thankful that God let me be Nash's mom. Other days are hard when he falls a lot, screams about his eye patch, hearing about the million things we need to work on daily, how far behind he is in some areas, watching people stare and say rude comments about my child, and knowing we have a long road ahead of us...

We just try to take life day by day... Celebrate the joys and pray about the concerns. Many times with tears shed and smiles on our faces, we push on. Some days I think my life is like a normal mother other days I realize it is not.

March of Dimes Walk in next week and we exceeded our team goal. To date we have raised $1,055.00. Great work and thanks to those that donated!

A mommy and daddy update!! Nate is working lots and loves it. We found a church... 1st Assembly. We really like it there. I joined a women's Bible Study. It is going well. I think it will be good for me to meet other women. Nate thinks he will get a turkey hunt in sooner then later. I said I would go with him, but not sure if that will happen this year... Someday I promise!

And if I could have your prayers please... A few months ago I found a lump on my left breast. I had a mammogram and ultrasound. I thought everything was ok and it might be, but the radiologist sent a letter and said after further review he wants me to come in again on the 27th and have it looked at again.. The nurse used the word mass, which was new to me... So I hope it is nothing. Maybe just my silly messed up hormones that have been causing me troubles! I am just hoping and praying that everything will be fine.

I hope to get pictures of Nash on the horse.. It is soooo Awesome!! He cannot wait to ride with Aunt Jordanne this summer!!

Thanks for reading and caring out our family!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Spring Please Come Soon!!

Like the rest of Iowans we cannot wait for Spring! Nash sits by the door and says, "Outside." In mind and spirit I am right there with him. I hear warmer weather is on the horizen so we are thrilled about it.

The signs of Spring are here... Grass turning green, birds and bunnies playing in the yard, and lots of mud! If the weather warms up just a bit we are outside and like any other two year old Nash is quick to find the mud. One improvement so far from last year is... He has stopped eating it! At least for now!

Last week my Gma Blair and her sister Grace came to visit! Nash loved having them. Nate and I also enjoyed their company and playing cards with them. They played so many cards they put holes in the deck... Not kidding. I thre two decks away after they left. Gma said they weren't good cards... But still... It testifies to the fact of a lot of card playing.

My mom and her frind Linda came on Friday night. Mom stayed Saturday night too, while Nate and I had a date night. It's great to have those now and again.

So last week was the week of guests! We loved it! Nash now looks around the house for people... He is getting bored real easy this week.

Nash said his entire ABC in the bathtub last night. All but M... He can't seem to say that one. I stood in the hall and listened. Shortly after that he counted to 14. I will have to say I was shocked. Very impressed with his development. I also identified all his capital letters accept two. I didn't even know he knew them. I was more in shock with each letter he said. I think my jaw hit the floor a couple times. I am thrilled he is ahead in one area. When a child is behind his age group in pretty much everything it is the MOST wonderful feeling to see him rise above the rest in one area! Praise God!

His therapies are going well. We are trying something new this week. He is going to get his right lower leg casted. His foot will be in a cast in the flexed position for 4 to 5 days. I have a feeling it is going to be a long 4 or 5 days. I pray that it goes better then I think it will. So Happy Easter to us! The hope is that it will help him put his foot flat and help control his walking a little more. He falls an aweful lot, which is why he tends to have lots of bruises... Some on his face...

Thursday the plan is to schedule his eye surgery for July. Fun fun! I hope and pray it is his last.

Next week Nash will start Theraputic Riding which could get REAL interesting since he does not like horses. He plans fo go every Wednesday until Mid-June. It will be great for his legs. Hopefully after that he will want to ride with Aunt Jordanne!

Well, I should be going... I hear lots of thumping and banding upstairs... Not sure what Nash and Nate are doing... Whatever it is... Must be funny. They are both cracking up!

Have a Happy Easter!