Friday, May 8, 2009

Ahhhh like his second home..

I am beginning to think Nash believes hospitals are his second home. I'd like it a lot more if he choose a five star hotel, but I guess this will do.

This has been a rough week at the Kuehl house... Sunday night Nash came down with a fever... Over 103*. I took him to the doctor on Monday... Not his normal doctor, because he was booked... Anyway apparently kids had been coming in with fevers that lasted for three to four days so Nash should just wait it out....

After three days of fevers over 101 and as high as 104.5... I was struggling to wait it out... After taking off his diaper I noticed blood in his urine. His temp was 104.4. We zoomed to ER on Wednesday Night at 7 PM... Returning home Thursday AM about midnight... Nash had been diagnoised with pneumonia, given IV and sent home... I wasn't thrilled, but figured the docs know best....

Thursday his temp was down, but cough proceeded to get worse... He no longer had tears. would not eat or drink and had no BMs/stools (medical terms) (poops, my term) since Monday. I made the executive decision.... Back to ER. He coughed and thre up on the way there so when i got there I was pretty much in tears. Surprised they didn't admit me to the mental ward.

Dehydrated and coughing like a madman for over 4 hours in ER Nash was admitted to St Lukes Peds. From what I saw riding on my back with Nash on my chest it looks to be a nice place!! Not my first ceiling view of a hospital with Nash... Only last time he was still inside me!

since being admitted Nash was diagnosed with walking pneumonia ( I can hardly spell is so knowing what it means... hmmmm viral I guess... about all I know... Still puzzeled with the spelling). They (Docs) think a urinary tract infection is to blame for the bacteria and white blood cells and red blood cells in his urine.

As of today (Friday) Nash will still not eat or drink and is coughing a lot. They are keeping him until he drinks and eats again and isn't coughing as much. Temp is down to almost normal so that is good news. He only wants his Mommy, which in a way makes me feel great, but on the other hand we have seen a lot of each other this week, so prying him off me to type a quick message while he sleeps is nice. I sit here and watch him cough and wish it was me... Wish I were sick and he was down tearing around this room and getting into everything. He has gotten into nothing this week. Funny, but I miss picking up after him!

While Nash is having a bad week. Nate is sick as well. Probably the worse I have seen him. He is not coping well and is seeing a doctor today. Yep running up those medical bills this week!! FUN FUN!

Prise God that I have not got sick... I hope not too. I have had about 15 to 20 hours of sleep this week so I am running on E. I think I am earning my Mother's Day this week!

I am glad we are here I was sooooo scared a few times this week. Felt so helpless. Once again understanding more about those strong ties a mother has to her child(ren). Amazing how much you hurt when they hurt, feel joy when they feel joy, and just how much you can love!

For all you moms out there... Happy Mother's Day!!

hope to spend my Mother's Day with Nash at home and healthy.... Hopefully he feels better today and eats and drinks something so maybe we can go home tomorrow! We'll see.

Reporting from Nash's second home thus far in life... A Hospital room. Someday I've got to convince him hotels are WAY better!


(Thanks Casey for all your help, breakfast, lunch, and your computer). She's SOOOOO Awesome!