Posting twice today!!! Ah the flu bug... Nash caught it Sunday night and still has it. We went to ER in the middle of the night because he threw up every 15 minutes. Wouldn't hardly move. I was pretty scared. It has gotten better, but he still throws up on occasion and has poops (what Nash calls it.) Today is the first day he decided to try and play with toys so hopefully he is turning the corner. His reserve isn't much since he is
soooo skinny. At the doctor this week he was one pound heavier then he was in Sept. Not so good since he has grown an inch or so.
It so happens that a high school friend lives in CR and is a
Ped Nutritionist, so we are going to chat and she is going to give me some suggestions to beef Nash up a bit since he has had the flu twice in two months. Being ill not only is hard on him, but keeps him from therapy. Had to cancel seven appointments this week. The doctor said today that children with weak immune systems are taking a week to a week and a half to recover form the
strand of flu they have been seeing this last few weeks.
On a positive note he asked for
Marcer cheeseee today. Mac and Cheese.. So he attempted to say it and wanted to eat!! Two
So after being barfed on at least 18 times I knew it would be an absolute miracle not to get this... We were not spared. At about 3 AM Thursday morning I heard Nate throwing up and within ten minutes I joined him. We have not thrown up nearly as much as Nash, but our bodies are hurting.
So we figure we all got this from Nash getting a kiss from a girl at church. Took him to the nursery for the first time... Figured I needed to expose him (yeah, might be thinking twice now). Anyway, I walk in and this 2 year old girl comes grabs Nash's cheeks and kisses him on the lips. I cracked up. Nash just looked at me like, "What happened MOM?" The nursery attend informed me that the little girl was the Youth Minister's Daughter... Which some how makes it more funny!! So after I threw up and then was sitting on the toilet (catch my drift) about 3:30 AM I told Nate... This is all because our son got his first kiss from the preachers daughter at church. We laughed! Yeah, leave it up to me to think of something funny in such a crappy moment...
Well, I need to go lay down. Starting to have some chest pains... Who knows what that could be, but don't feel like making another trip to St
Lukes. Even though some how when we were sitting in ER felt comfortable... Almost like home... Most people get nervous with doctors running around, medical info, paperwork, and you name it... Us well... Been there and done that before for months, so comfortable... Well accept for the fact that Nash missed the barf bag and threw up between my legs and it looks like I peed my pants. Poor little guy... Hope he has beat this nasty flu. I miss him giggling and playing... However, I don't miss telling him NO NO all the time. He has cuddled a lot, which I am sure he is
sooooo ready to be done with. As much as I love lap time, I hope it is over soon... Meaning Nash is better and on the go go go! I could hold him forever! -