Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Spring Please Come Soon!!

Like the rest of Iowans we cannot wait for Spring! Nash sits by the door and says, "Outside." In mind and spirit I am right there with him. I hear warmer weather is on the horizen so we are thrilled about it.

The signs of Spring are here... Grass turning green, birds and bunnies playing in the yard, and lots of mud! If the weather warms up just a bit we are outside and like any other two year old Nash is quick to find the mud. One improvement so far from last year is... He has stopped eating it! At least for now!

Last week my Gma Blair and her sister Grace came to visit! Nash loved having them. Nate and I also enjoyed their company and playing cards with them. They played so many cards they put holes in the deck... Not kidding. I thre two decks away after they left. Gma said they weren't good cards... But still... It testifies to the fact of a lot of card playing.

My mom and her frind Linda came on Friday night. Mom stayed Saturday night too, while Nate and I had a date night. It's great to have those now and again.

So last week was the week of guests! We loved it! Nash now looks around the house for people... He is getting bored real easy this week.

Nash said his entire ABC in the bathtub last night. All but M... He can't seem to say that one. I stood in the hall and listened. Shortly after that he counted to 14. I will have to say I was shocked. Very impressed with his development. I also identified all his capital letters accept two. I didn't even know he knew them. I was more in shock with each letter he said. I think my jaw hit the floor a couple times. I am thrilled he is ahead in one area. When a child is behind his age group in pretty much everything it is the MOST wonderful feeling to see him rise above the rest in one area! Praise God!

His therapies are going well. We are trying something new this week. He is going to get his right lower leg casted. His foot will be in a cast in the flexed position for 4 to 5 days. I have a feeling it is going to be a long 4 or 5 days. I pray that it goes better then I think it will. So Happy Easter to us! The hope is that it will help him put his foot flat and help control his walking a little more. He falls an aweful lot, which is why he tends to have lots of bruises... Some on his face...

Thursday the plan is to schedule his eye surgery for July. Fun fun! I hope and pray it is his last.

Next week Nash will start Theraputic Riding which could get REAL interesting since he does not like horses. He plans fo go every Wednesday until Mid-June. It will be great for his legs. Hopefully after that he will want to ride with Aunt Jordanne!

Well, I should be going... I hear lots of thumping and banding upstairs... Not sure what Nash and Nate are doing... Whatever it is... Must be funny. They are both cracking up!

Have a Happy Easter!

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